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    Gemeinnützige KIMW Forschungs- GmbH

    Mathildenstr. 22


    +49 2351 1064191

    The Kunststoff-Institut supports you in your quest for company- wide strategic market growth, where the emphasis may be on identifying new markets or market segments and/or practical possibilities to reinforce current markets. Here, a targeted analysis of strengths and weaknesses should not only succeed in highlighting prospects for new markets/products but also help ensure or nurture innovative leadership. Thorough market assessments, with trends and competitive situations included in the analysis. An integrated approach should help ensure existing processes/ sequences are optimized as well as the formation of a strategy. Strategic market growth topics include: Analysis of markets, competitors, trends Analysis of existing processes and assessment of new production processes Networks and partnerships Technology scouting, technology transfer Benchmarking, round robin tests Quality management

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